Thursday 24 October 2013

Deadline for Submission of Handout and Theme Chart: 

English 1201/1202     A Midsummer Night`s Dream: Theme
Act, scene, line numbers
Love can evoke dark emotions; revenge, jealousy, self-pity, anger, obsession
“Thou not from this grove/Till I torment thee for this injury”
II, I, 148-9
Oberon says this as an aside in regard to Titania’s refusal to give in to Oberon’s wishes. He does beg of her “a little changeling boy…to be [his] henchman.” Titania is disobedient to her fairy king and is accused of being unfaithful to him as she has had an affair with Theseus. Oberon is furious at her for her disobedience and is quite jealous of the attention and affection that she has shown both the child and Theseus.
“The more I love, the more he hateth me”
I, I, 202
Helena is obsessed with Demetrius and is expressing her frustration to her friend Hermia.
“I am sick when I look not on you”
II, I, 217
…spoken to Demetrius when he is trying to rid of her. Helena dwells on her obsession with Demetrius and wallows in self-pity.
Students should have a minimum of fifteen quotations to support their thematic arguments: Preferably, three quotations for each of the five chosen themes. The chart must contain at least five themes. The chart above is merely an example of how this should be approached.

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